Welcome to Om Dental Care (Dr.Pravesh Verma)
Achieve a Perfect Smile with Braces: Effortless Treatment, Round the Clock
Orthodontic braces are appliances used to align or straighten the teeth. They are made up of wires, brackets, and bands. Our orthodontist is an ideal person to supervise orthodontic treatment options. These dental devices comprise of teeth wires and metal brackets that help correct misaligned teeth by closing large gaps between them.
Underlying problems such as bruxism (teeth grinding), overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, jaw problems, and other such teeth alignment issues can be easily treated with braces.
Success rates of braces diverge depending on your age, when treatment begins, and your treatment goals.
Insightful Diagnosis: Two X-rays for Evaluating Teeth Positioning, Soft Tissues, and Bony Landmarks to Design an Effective Braces Treatment Plan
Our dentists will then formulate your final braces treatment plan and perform a complete oral examination and prophylaxis which consists of scaling and polishing.
Embracing Technology for Customized Braces: Digital Impressions and Soft Material Bite for Optimal Alignment
Each Bracket Expertly Bonded to Tooth Surface with Etching.Securely Positioning Braces on Teeth with Cured Composite Material.
Orthodontist's Ongoing Supervision Every 4-8 Weeks to Fine-Tune Treatment, Replace Bands, and Adjust Archwire
Orthodontic Brackets and Archwire Removed in the Last Appointment, Tooth Surface Polished to Restore its Original Form by the Orthodontist.
Customized Retainers as the Key to Preserving Perfect Teeth Alignment Supporting Lasting Results: Orthodontist-Prescribed Retainers for Maintaining the Perfect Smile
Traditional braces have evolved, with smaller and less noticeable metal brackets and wires. Modern heat-activated archwires, activated by body heat, facilitate faster and more comfortable teeth movement.
Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces, except that they have tooth-coloured or transparent brackets that blend into teeth.
Lingual braces are the same as conventional metal braces, except that the brackets and wires are placed inside the teeth.
Aligners consist of a series of 18 to 30 custom-made retainers, which are mouth guard-like clear plastic aligners. The aligners are detachable and are replaced every 2 weeks.
When the jaw is not big enough to accommodate all the teeth, it leads to teeth getting bunched up.
Teeth gap treatment allows you to eliminate issues such as dental and speech-related problems.
Overbite or forwardly placed teeth is a type of misalignment that causes the front teeth to protrude far ahead of the bottom teeth, when the mouth is closed.